Website Design - Long Home Page Trend
Website design trends and features are always evolving based on design, code, browser capabilities and general design and marketing trends. Back in 1999 when we first started dabbling in web design, website standards were very different from where they are today. Over the last decade, websites have evolved to be the forefront of a company’s image online. With this, it has brought a great deal of change to the industry, making websites better, faster and conversion driven.
Today’s Websites
Instead of accomplishing the simple goal of just being there, now websites drive the true nature of the business, being responsible for lead generations, customer retention and brand growth.
Today, one of the web trends that drives the design industry is a long home page format website that touches on different aspects of the business and highlights them in various sections of the home page. Often these have incorporate interactive features for hovers, text slides, and fade ins.
Features of a Long Home Page Website
- Visitor Welcome Area
- Business Contact Information Highlight
- Call For Action Areas/Features
- Showcase of business services
- Showcase of business projects, clients and/or awards
- Personnel Highlights
- Website Photo Gallery Highlight
- Social Media Section
- Membership and Association Area
- Contact Form Area
- Sitemap Footer
Website Long Home Page Benefits
With a long list of possible options to highlight on the home page, business owners can quickly and more effectively capture the attention of their website visitors. This allows them to grow their new customer base as well as increase retention rates for existing clients.
- Visitor Retention
- Overall Website Appeal
- Organized Structure
- Increased Conversion Rates
- Client Retention
- Customer Involvement with the Website
- Multi Product and Service Showcase