Google+ and Personal Search Results

As Google continues to make market buzz with their integration of Google+ into the organic search results and organic rankings, the SEO world tries to keep up with these ongoing and unknown changes.
Google being Google, only makes algorithm changes that are in the best interest of Google, and despite their guarantees, everyday users don’t always end up with the search results that are the most relevant and useful to them.
As the popularity of Google+ hasn’t taken off as much as Facebook and Twitter, for most people their “Google Circle of Friends” isn’t that big, especially if you don’t spend much time browsing the web. (I’m not counting Facebook time as web browsing) Whether you don’t have a circle of friends to rely on for your web browsing results or if you simply don’t wish to see your search results showing Google+ results, there is still hope. In consideration of their users, Google offers “SHOW PERSONAL RESULTS” and “HIDE PERSONAL RESULTS” buttons.
Unfortunately, the “Hide Personal Results” button doesn’t come completely Google+ free. It still includes promotional links in the top right corner of the page about “People and Places on Google+” but for the most part the results only display the classic SEM and SEO organic search results for your query.
Again, as usual, what does the future hold for the next Google algorithm change? Where will Google+ fit into the search results and how will this effect organic Google rankings? I know it seems like most of my Google articles end this way, but considering the ongoing popularity of the search engine and its dedication to making their social network succeed, Search Engine Marketing and Google algorithm changes will be continue to be part of our dinner discussions, ongoing research and blog articles.